One of the earliest examples was when automated teller machines replaced human beings in banks; and automated check-in machines took over the jobs of sky cap valets at airports.
Forbes Magazine projects that over 2 Billion jobs will be lost within the next 2 years to insidiously programmed robotic "intelligence???."
Whenever you can:
° eschew the automated check-out lines in sundry and supermarket chains
° support farmers markets and independent grocers
° collaborate with free-lance musicians, authors, painters, etc.
° go out and play REAL athletic games ~ not mind-controlling videos
The very best methodology to beat a.i. is to THINK & CREATE.
According to a.i. expert Kai-Fu Lee, the jobs that will survive the reach of these robots are those that require creativity.
Creators who beat a.i. don't type faster; they express humanistic emotions and express them from the heart.