"May thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven", is the most important phrase in Our Lord's Prayer, confirming our DIVINE ALLOWANCE.
When we pray the Our Father, we are acknowledging and accepting that His will is perfect and supersedes anything that this world can fabricate.
All of the angels had free will, and ⅓ of them blew it by following satan in his entropic belief that he was superior to God, and their poor choices caused them to be eternally damned.
Adam and Eve were also gifted with free will in The Garden of Eden, where they walked daily with God, and then experienced paradise lost by listening to satan's lies.
Based on the Bible's book of Revelation and acknowledging the demonic horror that is rampant throughout the world, humankind is literally knocking on the door of The Tribulation.
We will all very soon have to choose if we continue listening 24/7 to the "prince of the air's" satanically controlled mainstream news and social media approval-sponge platforms.
Or, surrendering to God's holy will and listen to His cautionary words as were quoted in scriptures.
DIVINE ALLOWANCE is ultimate freedom, knowing that The Creator of all that is, will be constantly caring for you and lighting your path.
We must be infinitely supply-focused versus lack-minded, really, really knowing that He will take care of all of our needs.
As Christ Yeshua declared:
"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from my Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change."
Faith based DIVINE ALLOWANCE is like eternally floating on a calm ocean and just staring up at the sea birds flying by.
Instead of trying to force your will upon people and situations that usually result in your and others being unhappy, let go and let God's will be done.
Nothing makes Him more happy than listening to us declare: "it's perfect just as it is"; and "it is well with my soul."
Christ Yeshua promised us that like the lilies of the field and the birds of the air, that all of our Earthly needs will be taken care of by our Heavenly Father.