Instead of this entropic millennial catch phrase of "becoming a better version of yourself", cease & desist from wearing selective situational masks seeking approval, and be who you really, really are.
SELF ACTUALIZE and stop tying your brain into knots.
In his 1932 book titled "Brave New World", Aldous Huxley accurately prophesized today's global mind control catastrophe:
"The victim of mind manipulation does not know that he is a victim.
To him the walls of the prison are invisible and he believes himself to be free."
Most of us remain ignorant of our real selves, because self-knowledge is painful and we prefer the pleasures of illusion:
The key to becoming your TRUE self and realizing who you really, really are, as well as attracting the right partner in life, is to 1st take your time and SELF ACTUALIZE.
Yes, an introspective SOUL MRI can be painful, but in the long run, it is the greatest gift that a person can bless themselves with.
Dr. Abraham Harold Maslow, a preeminent 20th century psychologist, described "the good life as one directed towards self-actualization, our life’s pinnacle need."
Self-actualization occurs when you 100% maximize your TRUE potential, and consistently achieve and enjoy Mount Everest high summitting life experiences.
As well as not punishing yourself when you fall short of your goals.
Dr. Abraham Harold Maslow’s "Motivation and Personality" book outlines the necessary steps to achieving SELF ACTUALIZATION:
° Embrace the unknown and the ambiguous, purposely seek-out the mysteries of life!
° Prioritize and enjoy every bit of the journey, not just the destination.
° Being inherently unconventional, but do not seek to shock or disturb for approval's sake.
° Be motivated by growth, not by the satisfaction of needs.
° Have purpose, working on the really meaningful growth aspects.
° Be not troubled by the small things, instead always focus on the “bigger” picture.
° Always be grateful like the 50,000-year-old Aborigine culture, maintaining a fresh sense of wonder and thankfulness to God for everything.
° Share deep relationships with just a chosen discerned few, but also feel identification and affection towards the entire human race.
° Be humble, teachable and get out of your own way, and most importantly, God’s way.
° Become more attuned to your inner nature and inner voice; as well as comporting in concert with whom you really, really are.
° Never accept all things offered like a sheeple, nor rejecting all things like the average anarchical rebel.
° Accept being not perfect, and avoiding disillusionment with human nature and giving up your illusions about it.
° Create an on-going process for reaching your true potential and doing all of the necessary work needed to realize your ultimate goals.
° Behave more loving and accepting of all others, as well as yourself with all of your flaws.
° Realize that life is a school of continuous growth.
I have finally learned @ 73 that perfection is paralysis.
Still always striving for excellence, my acceptance of people, situations and things just as they are, have given me a peace far greater than understanding.
Calling it Divine Allowance, I have come to terms with the world not always being my friend.
And that bad things happen to good people, and that ultimately I will transition from this dimension.
Thank God, I have never feared death knowing that Earth is just my temporal home.
Since Christ Yeshua said that “we need to be like little children to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven”, I choose to constantly view the world and my fellow man with childlike wonder.
My ongoing SELF ACTUALIZATION will continue until I close my eyes for the last time.
And this realization process attracted my wife Christine, my very best friend for 13 years and always, together into Eternity.
Christ Yeshua proclaimed:
"For this reason, a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."
"So, they are no longer two, but one flesh.
Therefore, what God has joined together, let no one separate."
Untie your TRUE self, become FREE and do life YOUR way!