Embrace Christ Yeshua in this New Year with a teachable spirit, eager to be changed and be Self Actualized.
A close walk with Jesus is a life of continual newness and progress Home.
Release all of your old ways, patterns and programs as you step gleefully into 2024.
Humankind literally knocking on the door of The Tribulation, do not conform to the mind-murdering controlling psychopathy of this demonic and rapidly falling world.
Be exclusively transformed by the RENEWING OF YOUR MIND & HEART.
Then and only then, you will be able to truly know what God's will is, His good, pleasing and perfect will.
King David declared in Psalm 30:5:
"His anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime.
Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.
You don’t have to dread what lies ahead."
This year you can experience 100% of God’s love, mercy, faithfulness, goodness and favor in your life by constantly exalting Him with praise, gratitude and purification.
The eagle is a magnificent example of purification and thought discernment:
° FLY ALONE = Keep only good company. Talk much less and listen even more.
Stay away from narrow minded people and gossip.
° HAVE VISION = Hold in Divine Mind what you really want.
Stay laser-focused on your goal and methodically don't ever give up.
° BE FEARLESS = Be strictly faith-based meeting your challenges head on.
° BE TENACIOUS = Relish all challenges by being persistent and consistent.
° NEVER EAT DEAD THINGS = Keep looking for new frontiers to conquer.
Leave the past in the past where it belongs.
° ALWAYS PREPARE BY TRAINING = Leave your comfort zone to address new challenges and conquer new opportunities
° POSSESS VITALITY = @ 40 years of age, eagles have to pluck out all of their weak feathers, break their beaks and claws against rocks and hide high in the mountains completely naked, bloody and defenseless.
But once this cleansing process is completed, they live another 30 more years well into their 70's, and fly higher and stronger than ever before!
Emulating the eagle, we must ask God to remove all of our "old habit" dead branches, so that we might bear much more and better fruit to share with our fellow Sisters and Brothers.